Wednesday, May 7, 2014

***7 Year Old Boy Found with Heroin at School***

A 7 year old in Pennsylvania was found with bags of heroin in his pockets. He had given a few bags to some of his classmates as well. After he was caught he said that he found the bags of drugs outside on the playground but finally admitted that he had brought them in from home after some questioning. The boy's grandmother was placed under arrest for endangering child welfare as well as drug offenses.

56 year old Pauline Bilinski-Munion had been babysitting her grandson and a 1 year old and had lost track of the drugs while she was at the house. The bags were all labeled as "Victoria's Secret". The boy's teachers had overheard him talking about the drugs and found nine bags in all. The mother of another child found a bag in her son's pocket when they were walking later that night.

The school notified the authorities as soon as the drugs were found. The district attorney however said that the school did not contact the parents or the district attorney's office quickly. He stated that they were very vague in what they told the parents about the incident. He told CNN that the school didn't call 911, didn't make sure that all of the children were okay by calling emergency personnel, didn't do a sweep to try and find any other bags of heroin, and didn't keep the kids where they were.

Bail was set for $25,000.

Photo courtesy of

Source: WMUR


  1. So is the point they are trying to make is that the school is in the wrong for how they dealt with the situation?? I pretty sure that the parents of the children should have never been left with grandmother come on people she "lost track of the drugs" This type of shit is becoming all to common

  2. Wy do you post something for PA under Manchvegas ?

  3. Because it is a story that relates to one of the biggest issues that we are facing right now in Manchester. It is a warning to stay vigilant and know who is watching your children and watching what they are getting into.

  4. A story like this should be posted here, or everywhere for that matter!! People should be made aware what an epidemic heroin is becoming in Manch. It's getting so bad that 2nd graders are bringing it to school now!!

  5. hope she goes to jail

  6. All you have to do is listen to 610 on your AM dial from 6:00 - 9:00am weekdays, and you'll hear Jack Heath talk about the epidemic in Manchester, it's not good...

  7. I also have a police scanner and hear all the calls on OD's...
