Tuesday, May 6, 2014

***05/06/14 Calls***

7:01am - MEDICAL: ALS 2 alpha response. Garden and Waterman for a seizure. Tac 2.

7:11am - MEDICAL: Engine 4 ALS 3 delta response. Alliance Way for difficulty breathing. Cross Blueberry Ln. Tac 3.

7:34am - ALARM: Engine 10 and 7, Truck 7, Rescue 1, Car 2 charlie response. Tarrytown Housing for a radio box alarm. Tac 5.

8:18am - MEDICAL: ALS 3 bravo hot response. Boutwell Street for a hemorrhage. Kelley and Bremer. Tac 2.

9:09am - MEDICAL: ALS 2 bravo hot response. Cilley Road for a fall. Belmont and Taylor. Tac 2.

9:26am - MEDICAL: Engine 2 ALS 1 delta response, Hemond Street for chest pain. Harrington to a dead end. Tac 3.

9:39am - PSYCH: ALS 4 bravo cold response. Mammoth Rd for a psych problem. Kennard and Croteau. Tac 2

10:06am - MEDICAL: ALS 3 alpha response. S Porter Street for a fall. S Willow to a dead end. Tac 2.

10:54am - MEDICAL: ALS 4 alpha response. Concord Street for a fainting. Ames and Dutton. Tac 3.

11:00am - FIRE: Engine 11 bravo hot response. Lake Ave for a dumpster fire. Pine and Barry Ave. Tac 4.

11:29am - MEDICAL: Engine 4 ALS 1 alpha response. Alliance Way for a nosebleed. Cross Blueberry. Tac 3.

11:41am - MEDICAL: ALS 3 alpha response. Pine Street for a sick person. Penacook and Sagamore. Tac 2.

12:05pm - MEDICAL: ALS 5 alpha response. Hanover Street for a fall. Elm and Chestnut. Tac 2.

12:25pm - PSYCH: ALS 4 alpha response. Mammoth Rd for a psych problem. S Mammoth and Sommerville. Tac 2.

12:34pm - MEDICAL: Truck 1 ALS 1 charlie response. Hanover and Beech for difficulty breathing. Tac 3.

12:38pm - ACCIDENT: Front and Country Club Drive. Unknown injuries, PD could not find any accident, a second call had come in stating that they went to the ER at the CMC and that one car had hit another and then started driving around in circles.

12:40pm - DOMESTIC: Wilson Street, caller has locked herself in the bedroom because she is afraid her boyfriend is going to hit her. Cross Prescott.

12:42pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 4 ALS 5 bravo hot response. Front and Country Club for an accident. Tac 3. Same accident that the PD was just called to. Asking for 2 tow trucks as well.

12:55pm - UNRULY: Bell Street, Pine to Union. 12 year old threatening his mother with a pair of pliers.

12:58pm - MEDICAL: ALS 2 alpha response. W River Dr for a sick person. W Clarke and Victoria. Tac 2.

1:13pm - RESCUE: Engine 5 Rescue 1 alpha response. Hampshire Towers on River Road, 7th floor for an elevator rescue. W North and Canal. Tac 4

1:16pm - MEDICAL: Engine 3 ALS 1 charlie response. Weston Rd for a fainting. Cross Lois and Royce Ann. Tac 3.

1:45pm - MEDICAL: ALS 4 bravo hot response. Crescent Road for cold exposure. Bow and Springdale. Tac 2.

2:16pm - MEDICAL: ALS 3 alpha response. Glen Forrest Drive for a sick person. Lone Pine and S Mammoth. Tac 2.

2:35pm - FIRE: Engine 11 bravo cold response. Pine and Central for an outside fire. Tac 4

2:41pm - FIRE: Engine 10 bravo hot response. Purdue St for a car fire. S Porter and Rockwell. Tac 4

2:53pm - FIRE: Engines 2, 3, 7, 9, Truck 1 and 7, Car 1, Rescue 1, ALS 4 delta response. John E Devine Dr at Harley Davidson for a dumpster fire against the building. Tac 5

2:59pm - MEDICAL: ALS 4 alpha response. Pine Street for abdominal pain. High and Lowell. Tac 2

3:48pm - FIGHT: Central and Beech. Possible domestic, spotted by a patrol officer.

3:54pm - ALARM: Engine 3 Truck 1 Car 1 charlie response. Perimeter Rd at DieBold for a radio box alarm. Tac 4.

4:21pm - UNRULY: Eastbound side of the Bridge Street bridge. Group of four to five teenagers on the sidewalk of the bridge who are throwing objects at passing cars.

4:25pm - ACCIDENT: Engine (didn't hear which number because the police scanner cut off the fire scanner) and ALS 2 bravo hot response. Chestnut and Harrison for an accident. Tac 3

4:31pm - ALARM: Engine 6 Truck 1 Car 2 charlie response. Notre Dame Ave for an alarm activation. Amory and Coolidge. Tac 4

9:07pm - ALS 1 alpha response. Calef Rd for a sick person. Engine 9 access way and Titus Ave. Tac 2

9:11pm - ROBBERY: Armed robbery at 250 Laurel Street, Savara Superstore. Black male, blue carpenter jeans, black jacket thin build, had a handgun. Headed towards Valley. Lincoln to Wilson. Got away with cash and cigarettes.

9:44pm - DOMESTIC: Lake Ave, caller said that he is having a dispute with his niece saying that she fraudulently registered it under her name. She doesn't have the keys but somehow had it towed back to her house.

10:12pm - DOMESTIC: Female and male in the street screaming (this must be what you are all hearing) Belmont, East High to Bridge. Female is in a car, male is banging on the windows and screaming at her. Caller said they saw the male push the female a few times.

10:22pm - CHECK: Spruce Street, caller hears a female screaming, feels that she may be hurt. Cross Beacon. May have heard a male yelling as well but not sure.

10:28pm - MEDICAL: Rescue 1 ALS 2 delta response. Laurel Street for a man down, unknown problem. Beech and Maple. Tac 3.

11:11pm - MEDICAL: ALS 3 bravo hot response. Circle Rd for a nosebleed. Tac 2.

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