Wednesday, May 7, 2014

***05/07/14 Calls***

6:51am - ACCIDENT: Engine 2 ALS 4 bravo hot response. Queen City Ave in the Eastbound lane, blocking both lanes. Head on collision on the bridge. Avoid the area for now.

7:37am - MEDICAL: ALS 1 alpha response. Chestnut Street for a fall. Cedar and Spruce. Tac 2.

7:38am - MEDICAL: ALS 4 charlie response. Hanover Street for difficulty breathing, Hanover Hills. Tac 3.

7:53am - MEDICAL: ALS 2 alpha response. Harvey Rd for a fall. Abbey and E Perimeter. Tac 2

8:09am - SMOKE: Engine 11 alpha response, behind 333 Valley Street for a transformer smoking. Tac 4.

8:11am - MEDICAL: ALS 5 bravo hot response. South Main Street for a fall. Harvell and Balch. Tac 2.

8:33am - ALARM: Engine 11 Truck 1 Car 1 charlie response. Manchester St for a straight box alarm. Pine and Union. Tac 4

9:26am - MEDICAL: ALS 1 charlie response. Quincy Street for a sick person. Granite and Douglas. Tac 2.

9:31am - MEDICAL: Engine 10 ALS 4 charlie response. Mammoth Rd for difficulty breathing. Tarrytown and Bridge. Tac 3.

10:06am - MEDICAL: Engine 6 ALS 2 echo response. Conant Street for an unconscious person. Rimmon and Dubuque. Tac 3.

10:56am - MEDICAL: Engine 4 ALS 4 charlie response. Front Street for a possible stroke. Northbrook and Hackett Hill. Tac 3.

11:17am - MEDICAL: ALS 2 alpha response. Beech Street for a sick person. Cedar and Spruce. Tac 2.

11:19am - ALARM: Engine 10 Truck 1 bravo hot response. Kennard Rd for a fire alarm activation. Lindahl and Dave. Tac 4.

11:23am - ALARM: Engine 5 Truck 6 Car 1 charlie response. Elm Street, Manchester Mental Health for a straight box alarm. Tac 4.

11:48am - MEDICAL: Engine 4 ALS 3 charlie response. Alliance Way for difficulty breathing. Cross Blueberry. Tac 3.

11:53am - MEDICAL: Engine 2 ALS 6 delta response. Harvell Street for difficulty breathing. S Main cross. Tac 3.

12:03pm - MEDICAL: ALS 1 alpha response. Canal Street for a fall. No cross given. Tac 2.

12:26pm - ASSAULT: ALS 2 alpha response. Cypress Street for an assault. Valley and Woodman. Tac 2. 66 year old female with a hand injury. Assailant is no longer on the scene.

12:37pm - SHOP LIFTER: Family Dollar. Female will not give her name.

12:58pm - MEDICAL: Engine 10 Truck 1 charlie response. Newstead Way for a fire alarm activation. Cross Bridge. Tac 4.

1:45pm - CHECK: Person unconscious in a running car in the alley between Notre Dame and Cartier Street.

1:48pm - PSYCH: ALS 3 delta response. Eastern Ave for a psych problem. Wellington and Karatzas. Tac 2.

1:48pm - ALARM: Engine 11 Car 1 charlie response. Wall Street for a central station alarm. Tac 4. Cross Elm.

1:52pm - MEDICAL: ALS 2 bravo cold response. Arlington Street for a back injury. Linden and Ashland. Tac 2.

2:07pm - MEDICAL: Engine 11 ALS 1 delta response. Massabesic Street for a hemorrhage. Clifford and Hayes. Tac 2.

2:19pm - PSYCH: ASL 3 bravo cold response. Spruce Street for a psych problem. Union and Beech. Tac 2.

2:37pm - MEDICAL: Rescue 1 ALS 2 charlie response. Valley and Union for a diabetic problem. Tac 3.

2:41pm - MEDICAL: Engine 8 ALS 4 delta response. Comcast on Island Pond Road at the employee entrance for an allergic reaction. Tac 3.

2:59pm - HIT AND RUN: Blue Ford Taurus, black female driver hit a car on the Queen City Bridge heading West and then took off.

3:42pm - MEDICAL: Engine 2 ALS 4 delta response. Harvell Street at Growing Years for a sick child. Tac 3

3:44pm - ALARM: Engine 8, 7 Truck 7 Car 1 Rescue 1 charlie response. McLaughlin School on S Mammoth for a straight box alarm. Tac 4

4:17pm - MEDICAL: Engine 10 ALS 1 echo response. Milton Street for an unresponsive person. Amherst to the dead end. Tac 3

4:27pm - THEFT: Crosstown on Bremer. Someone is trying to steal a bike.

5:12pm - ASSAULT: ALS 2 alpha response. Concord Street for an assault. Meet the PD. Cross Malverne.

6:10pm - ODOR: Engine 11, 6, 7, 2, Truck 1 and 5, Rescue 1, Car 1, ALS 5 charlie response. Chestnut Street at the O'Malley high rise for an odor of natural gas. Tac 5.

6:21pm - MEDICAL: Engine 4 ALS 5 echo response. Birch Hill Terrace, Alliance Way for difficulty breathing. Cross Country Side Blvd. Tac 3

7:27pm - MEDICAL: ALS 5 bravo cold response. Merrimack and Elm for an unknown medical. Tac 2.

8:17pm - MEDICAL: ALS 3 bravo hot response. Dubuque Street for a fall. Kelley and Bremer. Tac 2.

9:21pm - ALARM: Engine 5 Truck 1 Car 1 charlie response. W Brook Street for an alarm activation. Elm and Canal. Tac 4.

9:25pm - MEDICAL: Engine 8 ALS 4 charlie response. Bodwell Rd for difficulty breathing. Cross East Meadow Way. Tac 3.

9:29pm - ASSAULT: ALS 1 alpha response. Maple Street for an assault. Amherst and Concord. Stage and wait for PD. Tac 2. PD en route. Third party call. Caller said that her daughter was being attacked. Hung up on 911, no answer on call back.

9:41pm - OVERDOSE: ALS 3 bravo cold response. Garden Drive for an overdose. Goffstown Back Rd cross. Tac 2. Intentional overdose on anxiety meds.

9:42pm - DOMESTIC: Pine Street, woman said a man just threatened to kill her and bash her face in. #stayclassymanchvegas High and Lowell

9:44pm - Black VW with no plates took off on a police officer on a traffic stop near Hecker. He is trying to pull him over again. Last seen headed towards Notre Dame at a high rate of speed.

9:59pm - STABBING: A victim just walked into the Elliot ER with multiple stab calls had come in to 911 about it. YIKES

10:22pm - MEDICAL: ALS 2 alpha response. Denis Street for a sick person. Lenz to a dead end. Tac 2.

10:24pm - ACCIDENT: West Mitchell, car is stuck in the railroad tracks. Possible DUI.

10:27pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 11 ALS 1 bravo hot response. Valley and Union. Possible DUI. Tac 3. it so hard to get a DD or a taxi driver? UGH. Multiple calls, possibly Pine and Valley, one call said car into a pole.

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