Monday, May 19, 2014

***05/19/14 Calls***

1:18am - HIT AND RUN: Auburn Street cross Lincoln to Wilson. No description of the other car but there is debris in the road. Jerk.

1:47am - SUSPICIOUS: Two white males looking into cars. Last seen running towards Boynton.

6:47am - ALARM: Engine 4 and 6, Truck 5 Rescue 1 Car 1 charlie response. Alliance Way for a radio box alarm. Cross Blueberry. Tac 4.

7:15am - MEDICAL: ALS 2 alpha response. Alliance Way for a lift assist. Cross Blueberry. Tac 2.

7:54am - MEDICAL: ALS 1 bravo hot response. Abbey Rd at the Vet Emergency Center for a dog fight. Harvey and S Willow. Tac 2. Woman was bitten.

8:12am - MEDICAL: ALS 2 bravo cold response. Montgomery Street for a medical alarm. Cross Mason. Tac 2.

9:37am - CHECK: Laurel Street, people arguing, mention of guns. Beacon to Cass.

11:02am - OVERDOSE: Engine 2 ALS 5 charlie response. Denis Street for an overdose. Cross Lenz. Tac 3. 87 year old female took too much of her medication.

11:12am - ARGUMENT: Pine Street, cross Green and Auburn. Man yelling at an elderly male, caller is afraid he is going to hit the older man.

11:17am - MEDICAL: Engine 9 ALS 1 delta response. Rosedale Ave for an unconscious person. S Elm and Calef. Tac 3.

11:25am - MEDICAL: Rescue 1 ALS 3, Laurel Street for a man with a lot of blood around him, roommate bouncing up and down and keeps hanging up on 911. Crosses are Pine and Union.

11:39am - MEDICAL: Engine 11 ALS 5 charlie response. District Court on Amherst for chest pain. Pine and Chestnut. Tac 3.

12:00pm - ALARM: Engine 2 and 9 Truck 7 Rescue 1 Car 1 charlie response. Mount Washington College for a radio box alarm. Queen City and Dunbar. Tac 4.

12:13pm - MEDICAL: Engine 5 ALS 1 bravo cold response. Livingston Park on the trail for a fall. Tac 3. 1 year old fell off of one of the small bridges and hit his head.

12:24pm - PSYCH: ALS 3 bravo cold response. Victory Park on Chestnut for a psychiatric, meet the PD. Concord and Seneca. Tac 2.

12:29pm - ALARM: Engine 2 charlie response. Mount Washington College on Sundial for a radio box alarm. Queen City and Dunbar. Tac 4.

2:00pm - MEDICAL: ALS 5 alpha response. Auburn Street for a sick person. Lincoln to Wilson. Tac 2.

2:14pm - NEEDLES: Central and Chestnut. Uncapped needles on the road/sidewalk. Calling the Health Deptarment for them to pick them up.

2:31pm - MEDICAL: Engine 10 ALS 5 charlie response. Edward J Roy Drive for a headache. Cross Hitchcock Way. Tac 3.

3:33pm - MEDICAL: Engine 7 ALS 4 echo response. Salisbury Street for difficulty breathing. Amherst and Hanover.

5:15pm - ALARM: Engine 9 Truck 7 Car 1 charlie response. Baker Street at Empire Sheet Metal for a fire alarm activation. Cross Waterman. Tac 4.

6:14pm - ACCIDENT: Bridge and Mammoth, three car accident. Injuries reported.

6:43pm - MEDICAL: Truck 1 ALS 3 delta response. Central Street for a facial injury. Beech and Maple. Tac 3.

6:45pm - MEDICAL: ALS 1 alpha response. W Webster Street for a sick person. Cross Elm. Tac 2.

7:00pm - SHOPLIFTERS: Two female shoplifters at Hannaford on Hanover Street. Loss Prevention called PD for back-up as they are attempting to steal expensive items. PD on scene.

7:05pm - UNRULY: Manchester Mental Health for an intoxicated subject, they would like him removed. Calling for PD to respond immediately.

7:37pm - SHOPLIFTERS: Two black males carrying a bunch of t-shirts running from the mall with mall security in tow, last seen on Karin Drive off of Huse Road. One was wearing a gray hoodie. No other description available. Unsure of which store the shirts were taken from.

8:12pm - MEDICAL: Engine 6 ALS 3 delta response. Amory Street high rise for chest pain. Tac 3.

8:38pm - FIGHT: Cedar between Lincoln and Wilson. A group of kids that are all under 11 years old pushing and shoving each other. Smh

8:44pm - ARGUMENT: Two white males arguing in an alley on Manchester Street, call says they look like they are about to start fighting. Chestnut and Pine.

8:45pm - DOMESTIC: Log Street, caller says female in a nearby apartment is threatening to call the cops if she is hit again. Cross S Main.

9:03pm - OVERDOSE: ALS 4 bravo cold response. Silver Street for an overdose. Belmont and Taylor. Tac 2.

9:10pm - MEDICAL: ALS 2 alpha response. Edward J Roy Drive for a sick person. Wellington and Hitchcock. Tac 2.

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