Monday, May 19, 2014

***Pentagon Has Plans For Zombie Attack***

Yes, you read that title correctly. The Pentagon has plans on paper to ward off a zombie attack. Crazy right?

We need to be prepared for whatever comes our way. We need to be ready for whatever we come up against. In the plans laid out by the Pentagon, that apparently includes the undead. The plan is elaborate, well thought out, and addresses exactly how to "kill" a zombie.

The document is called CONOP 8888. It is not a classified document for the simple reason that it's not necessarily a real plan. It is a plan that is made to help train the military to deal with any situation that may come their way from natural disasters all the way to zombie attacks. Even though it is not an actual plan for the U.S. Strategic Forces it is still laid out just like it is a real plan.

The Pentagon wanted to think of the most ridiculous situation that they could for a training exercise and since zombies are a large topic these days they went with that. Should the walking dead be wandering around through the country the military will know how to defend civilians that are still living. The training manual explains how to assess the situation, how to protect yourself and others, and how to remain vigilant through treacherous conditions.

To kill a zombie according to CONOP 8888 is to concentrate all firepower to the head of the zombie and then burn the body. Sounds like something out of the Walking Dead doesn't it?

Every position is mapped out clearly. They have the President all the way down to civilians listed and what their different roles would be when defending against the zombies.

The Department of Homeland Security as well as the CDC have used the living dead as training situations as well. The ridiculousness of the situation makes it great for training as we never know what could happen, even if it is as crazy as a zombie attack.

Photo from

Source: Sentinel Source

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