Tuesday, May 20, 2014

***05/20/14 Calls***

6:40am - MEDICAL: Engine 9 ALS 4 charlie response. Public Street for chest pain. Calef and Overland. Tac 3.

6:43am - MEDICAL: Engine 2 ALS 3 charlie response. Varney Street for a fall. Bowman and S Main. Tac 3.

7:09am - OVERDOSE: Engine 6 ALS 2 charlie response. Kimball Street for an overdose. Stage and wait for PD. Mason and Upland. Tac 3.

7:48am - ALARM: Engine 7 Truck 7 Car 1 charlie response. Silver Street for a straight box alarm. Maple and Lincoln. Tac 4.

8:01am - MEDICAL: ALS 2 charlie response. Myrtle Street for a sick person. Maple and Oak. Tac 2.

11:47am - MEDICAL: ALS 5 bravo hot response. Hanover Street for an allergic reaction. Pine and Chestnut. Tac 2.

11:53am - MEDICAL: Engine 2 ALS 1 charlie response. Family Outfitters on Second Street for a seizure. Cleveland and W Hancock. Tac 3.

12:23pm - OVERDOSE: ALS 4 bravo cold response. Eastern Ave for an overdose. Wellington and Karatzas. Tac 2.

12:29pm - MEDICAL: ALS 2 charlie response. Beech Street for a sick person. Bell and Grove. Tac 2.

12:35pm - MEDICAL: ALS 1 bravo cold response. Econo Lodge on W Hancock, meet the PD for an ETOH (alcohol)  problem. Tac 2.

2:12pm - MEDICAL: Engine 7 ALS 1 echo response. Silver Street for difficulty breathing. Union and Beech. Tac 3.

2:24pm - MEDICAL: ALS 3 bravo cold response. Eastern Ave for a medical alarm. Wellington and Karatzas. Tac 2.

4:19pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 5 ALS 2 bravo hot response. Maple and Salmon for an accident. Tac 2.

4:28pm - OVERDOSE: Engine 8 ALS 3 charlie response. Cedar Hill Drive for an alcohol overdose. Cross Island Pond Rd. Tac 3.

4:43pm - ALARM: Engine 11 Truck 1 Car 1 charlie response. North Commercial for a radio box alarm. Commercial and Dow. Tac 4.

4:49pm - DOG BITE: ALS 4 bravo hot response. Derryfield Park by the swings for a dog bite. Beacon and Bridge. Tac 3.

4:57pm - MEDICAL: ALS 2 bravo cold response. Merrimack Street for an unknown medical. Pine and Union. Tac 2

5:21pm - MEDICAL: ALS 3 bravo cold response. Conant Street for an unknown medical. Rimmon and Dubuque. Tac 2.

5:26pm - MEDICAL: ALS 2 alpha response. Entrance to parking lot for Massabesic Lake for a fall. Tac 2.

6:10pm - ASSAULT: ALS 5 bravo cold response. Notre Dame Ave for an assault. Hecker and Walsh. Tac 2.

6:20pm - MEDICAL: Engine 2 ALS 4 delta response. Just North of D'Angelos on Second for a man down. Tac 3.

6:48pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 6 ALS 1 bravo hot response. Hevey and Bremer for an accident. Tac 3. Three cars.

7:03pm - MEDICAL: ALS 2 charlie response. Huse Rd for abdominal pain. S Mammoth and Maynard. Tac 2.

7:10pm - PSYCH: ALS 3 bravo cold response. Bartlett Street for a psychiatric, stage and wait for PD. Putnam and Wayne.

7:20pm - MEDICAL: Engine 2 ALS 4 charlie response. Rockland Ave for a stroke. Lamprey and Gove. Tac 3.

7:29pm - DISGUSTING: Pearl and Union, two subjects are currently being held. They were caught crapping in the church. SICK.

7:45pm - OVERDOSE: Rescue 1 ALS 6 charlie response. Bell Street for an alcohol overdose. Union and Beech. Tac 3.

7:55pm - MEDICAL: ALS 1 delta response. Merrimack Street at the central station for a choking. Person walked up to the station. Chestnut and Pine. Tac 3.

9:25pm - SUSPICIOUS: Two white males at Fast Track on the corner of S Beech and S Willow. One of them took what looked like a drill out of his backpack and went over to Kerner's Car Wash and messed with one of the change machines. They are now back at Fast Track. Five males in total.

9:43pm - ASSIST: ALS 3 alpha response. Karin Street for a public assist. Huse and Sears. Tac 2.

9:47pm - UNWANTED: Caller wants a female out of his house, there was something about restraining her. Lots of yelling in the background. Lake Ave, cross Union and Beech.

9:53pm - MEDICAL: Engine 4 ALS 4 delta response. Country Club Drive for a seizure. Front to Front. Tac 3.

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