Tuesday, May 13, 2014

***05/12/14 Calls***

7:00am - ALARM: Engine 5 Truck 1 Car 1 charlie response. Elm Street for a radio box alarm. Cross Dow. Tac 4.

8:05am - ROBBERY: TD Bank on South Main. There was another bank robbery this morning as well I believe but I did not hear the original call on that one. A man with a light blue sweater is believed to be involved.

9:40am - MEDICAL: Engine 3 ALS 1 delta response. Mystic Street for chest pain and difficulty breathing. S Beech and Ruggles. Tac 3.

10:23am - PSYCH: ALS 2 to Eastern Ave for a psych problem. Stage for PD. Wellington and Karatzas. Patient has been hitting himself and has self-inflicted lacerations.

10:29am - UNWANTED: Schuyler Street, caller says her drunk boyfriend won't leave. Notre Dame to Flaherty.

10:38am- MEDICAL: Engine 11 ALS 3 delta response. Union for a seizure. Hanover and Amherst. Tac 3

11:14am - MEDICAL: Truck 1 ALS 1 delta response. Union Street for a seizure. Hanover and Amherst. Tac 3. Same exact place they had just been sent to..hm...

11:17am - MEDICAL: Rescue 1 ALS 5 delta response. Beech Street for a hemorrhage. Grove and Bell. Tac 3.

11:21am - MEDICAL: ALS 2 bravo cold response. Elm Street in front of the Verizon Arena for a man down. Depot and Granite. Tac 2.

12:39pm - MEDICAL: ALS 1 bravo hot response. Concord and Union for a fall. Tac 2.

12:46pm - ALARM: Engine 9 Truck 7 Car 1 charlie response. Post Office on Goffs Falls for an alarm. Cross Auto Center. Tac 4.

12:50pm - MEDICAL: Engine 7 ALS 2 echo response. Beech Street for an unconscious person with ineffective breathing. Silver and Somerville. Tac 3.

1:10pm - MEDICAL: Engine 5 ALS 1 bravo hot response. Elm Street at the Health Department for a seizure. Tac 3.

1:41pm - ALARM: Engine 6 and 11 Truck 1 Rescue 1 Car 1 charlie response. Lowell Street for a straight box alarm. Pine and Union. Tac 4.

1:43pm - FIRE: Engine 10 hot response. Mutual aid to Auburn, Chester Rd for a building fire. Tac 4.

1:53pm - MEDICAL: Engine 5 ALS 3 charlie response. Beech Street for difficulty breathing. Salmon and Sagamore. Tac 3.

2:15pm - MEDICAL: Engine 3 ALS 1 delta response. Brown Ave for difficulty breathing. Charlotte and Lilac. Tac 3

2:17pm - MEDICAL: ALS 4 alpha response. Silver Street for a sick person. Belmont and Taylor. Tac 2.

5:50pm - MEDICAL: Rescue 1 ALS 5 charlie response. Lake Ave for difficulty breathing. Beech and Maple. Tac 3.

6:04pm - ALARM: Engine 10 Truck 5 Car 1 charlie response. Eagle Nest Way for an alarm activation. Wellington and Falcon Crest. Tac 4

6:09pm - MEDICAL: Engine 4 ALS 4 delta response. Village Circle way for difficulty breathing. Cross Millstone. Tac 3.

6:09pm - MEDICAL: ALS 2 alpha response. Kelley Street for a seizure. Youville to Youville Eastback. Tac 2

6:10pm - MEDICAL: ALS 3 alpha response. Under Queen City Ave bridge near Sundial for a knee injury. Tac 2.

6:24pm - PSYCH: ALS 1 bravo cold response. Third Street for a psych problem. Stage and wait for PD. School and Bath. Tac 2.

6:28pm - FIRE: Engine 2 bravo hot response. Assist Engine 4 at Waterford Way for a brush fire.

6:41pm - PSYCH: ALS 5 alpha response. Perimeter Rd for a psych in the parking lot of Portland Group. Cross S Willow. Tac 2.

6:49pm - FIRE: Engine 5, 10, 11, 8, Truck 1 and 6, Rescue 1 Car 1 ALS 2 delta response. Blevens Drive for a BBQ fire on the deck next to the house. Cross Mayflower. Tac 5.

6:52pm - LOCKOUT: Engine 7 alpha response. W Merrimack Street for a lockout. Franklin Westback and Canal. Tac 4.

7:00pm - ALARM: Engine 9 Truck 7 charlie response. S Willow Street for a straight box alarm. Tac 4. (Near the mall I believe. She went way too quickly)

7:11pm - MEDICAL: Truck 1 ALS 2 charlie response. Paquette Ave for diabetic problem. Union to Michael. Tac 3.

7:15pm - MEDICAL: Engine 3 ALS 4 bravo hot response. S Willow Street at Masa for Man walked into the restaurant bleeding from the chest with multiple knife wounds. Not sure if it was an assault or self-inflicted. PD en route. Tac 3.

11:00pm - DOMESTIC: Domestic in progress. Male hitting a female and breaking a window. Amherst and Beech.

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