Wednesday, July 16, 2014

***07/16/14 Calls***

6:41am - ALARM: Engine 7 Truck 7 bravo hot response. Young Street for an alarm activation. Cotter Ct back to Cotter Ct. Tac 4.

7:05am - PSYCH: ALS 1 alpha response. 7-11 on S Main Street, meet the PD for a psych problem. Clinton to Parker. Tac 2.

7:06am - MEDICAL: Engine 11 ALS 3 delta response. Massabesic Street for chest pain.Hall and Spruce. Tac 3.

7:30am - ACCIDENTS: Two accidents at Lowell and Union. One involving an intoxicated male who trashed the minivan that he was driving when he hit a telephone pole. The other is a minor accident. No injuries reported.

7:46am - ALARM: Engine 4 Truck 5 Car 1 charlie response. The clubhouse at Countryside Village for a radio box alarm. Tac 4.

8:16am - MEDICAL: ALS 3 bravo cold response. Highway Dept on Valley Street for an unknown medical. Tac 2.

8:47am - ACCIDENT: Engine 11 ALS 4 bravo hot response. Chestnut and Central. Tac 3.

8:57am - MEDICAL: Engine 7 ALS 1 charlie response. Bell Street for a reported stroke. Wilson and Hall. Tac 3.

9:35am - DOMESTIC: Hanover Street, male and female screaming at each other with a young child in the apartment. Cross Maple.

9:37am - ACCIDENT: Engine 11 ALS 4 bravo hot response. Spruce and Maple for an accident. Tac 3.

9:53am - ACCIDENT: Engine 11 ALS 2 bravo hot response. Member's First Credit Union for an accident. Possible car into a building. Tac 3.

10:02am - MEDICAL: Engine 7 ALS 3 delta response. Medford Street for a fainting. Cranwell cross. Tac 3.

10:05am - HIT AND RUN: Red van with Florida plates hit a car parked on the street and then took off towards 293. Female drive. Dartmouth and W Hancock.

10:09am - MEDICAL: ALS 4 alpha response. Waterford Place on Blackberry Way for a hemorrhage. Waterford Way to a dead end. Tac 2.

10:53am - ALARM: Engine 7 Truck 7 Car 1 charlie response. Jiffy Lube on S Willow for a straight box alarm. Cross Spring Garden. Tac 4.

10:54am - MEDICAL: Engine 2 ALS 2 charlie response. River's Edge on Queen City Ave for difficulty breathing. Sundial and Brown. Tac 3.

10:57am - BUSTED: Engine 6 Rescue 1 Car 1 Truck 1 charlie response. Notre Dame Avenue to check for a suspected meth lab. Oooooo baby. Amory and Coolidge. Tac 5. #BreakingBadStyle

11:01am - MEDICAL: ALS 1 alpha response. Bodwell Rd for a sick person. S Mammoth to Lone Pine. Tac 2.

11:51am - DOMESTIC: Mike's Pub, male is hitting a female inside of the bar. #StayClassyManchVegas

12:00pm - MEDICAL: Engine 9 ALS 1 charlie response. Westwood Dr for difficulty breathing. Pepperidge and Sherwood. Tac 3.

12:19pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 11 ALS 4 bravo hot response. Canal Street under the Bridge Street Bridge for an accident. Spring and Kidder. Tac 3.

12:24pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 3 and 8 ALS 2 delta response. 93 South directly at 293 split for an accident. Tac 3. Apparently no one knows how to drive today.

12:35pm - ASSAULT: ALS 3 bravo cold response. Rimmon Street for an assault. Stage and wait for PD. Cross Conant.

12:36pm - THEFT: Green Maxima, stole merchandise from Toys R Us/Walmart. Last seen on S Willow heading North.

12:43pm - FIGHT: Central and Pine, two people fighting. #ImGonnaKnockYouOut

1:07pm - MEDICAL: ALS 4 alpha response. River Rd for a fall. W Clarke Street. Tac 2.

1:26pm - MEDICAL: ALS 1 mutual aid to Bedford at the Safety Complex on Constitution Ave for a kidney problem. Cross 101A. Tac 2.

1:30pm - SUSPICIOUS: Caller said a male who has stolen from her before entering an apartment wearing all black except for his jeans, thinks he may be trying to steal again. Has a history as a runner and burglar. Amherst and Lincoln..

1:46pm - MEDICAL: ALS 2 alpha response. River's Edge on Queen City for a medical transfer. Sundial and Brown. Tac 2.

2:32pm - WIRES: Engine 10 bravo hot response. Wellington Rd to check for low hanging wires. Highview Terrace and Westwood. Tac 4.

2:34pm - ASSIST: Engine 7 alpha response. Tarrytown Rd to assist PD with entry. Elliot Way and Auburn. Tac 4.

2;49pm - MEDICAL: ALS 4 alpha response. Merrimack St for back pain. Beech and Maple. Tac 2.

3:26pm - MEDICAL: ALS 1 alpha response. Veteran's Park for a sick person. Elm and Chestnut. Tac 2.

3:53pm - MISCHIEF: Kids throwing rocks at a neighbor's car, they also slashed caller's tires the day before. Notre Dame Ave cross Schuyler and Hecker.

4:53pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 6 ALS 2 delta response. Rimmon and Wayne for an accident involving a bicycle. Tac 3.

5:02pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 10 ALS 1 delta response. Laurel St for an accident involving a pedestrian. Cross Cass. Tac 3

6:36pm - CHECK: Rimmon/Labreque area, multiple calls coming in from a 911 only phone, small kids calling on the phone.

6:57pm - MEDICAL: ALS 2 alpha response. Pine Street for a fall. PD on scene. Londonderry and Hanover. Tac 2.

7:57pm - SMOKE: Engine 5 alpha response. Pickering St for a light smoke investigation. Cross Sunset Dr. Tac 4.

8:10pm - ALCOHOL: Stolen liquor from state liquor store on Bicentennial Drive. 3284653, red Toyota Corolla. #ErrybodyGettingTipsy #BoozinItUp

8:37pm - MEDICAL: Engine 2 ALS 1 echo response. Varney St for ineffective breathing. Bowman and S Main. Tac 3.

8:39pm - OVERDOSE: Engine 7 ALS 2 charlie response. Valley St for an overdose. Cross Taylor. Tac 3.

8:52pm - MEDICAL: Truck 1 ALS 3 alpha response. Maple Street for a fall. Orange and Pearl. Tac 3.

8:52pm - CHECK: West and Douglas. Caller said approx. 10-15 subjects gathering, not sure what is going on. Possibly the start of a fight.

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