Thursday, April 17, 2014

***Verdict on Repealing the Death Penalty in NH***

The Senate has decided to keep the death penalty as a form of punishment in the State of NH. The vote tied at 12-12 which left the bill on the table for the moment. Senator Russell Prescott from Kingston had the last vote.

As the Senate was debating the matter there were supporters of the repeal marching quietly as well as officials from the Manchester Police Department. Senator Bette Lasky wanted to add an amendment to the repeal bill that would make Officer Michael Briggs' killer Michael Addison exempt from the repeal. This amendment was defeated with a 14-10 vote which worried some of the other political members. Senator Sharron Carson of Londonderry said that she feared that Michael Addison would not have his sentence carried out should the bill move forward. Part of the bill however was the stipulation that the sentence would not be changed as it is against the law to change any sentence that was given before a repeal goes through.

How do you feel about the death penalty? Do you believe that it should still remain a form of punishment in the Granite State or do you feel that we could do with out it since we have not executed any prisoners since 1939 when Howard Long was hanged.



  1. I feel we should have a death penalty and we should definitely use it.

  2. I strongly feel its not a good thing. killing someone is not correct.

  3. I am on the fence. I think that it should be used in certain cases. Prison is a place for a rehabilitation of sorts. When there are repeat offenders who continue to murder people, child molesters that have been in prison multiple times, and other really horrible crimes like that, I think it is better just to either lock them up for life or be done with it. These types of people obviously cannot be rehabilitated and should never be let back onto the street again. If the crime is horrible such as a serial killer, I think the death penalty should be used.

    On the other hand it is almost like putting them to death is giving them an easy out.

  4. A death penalty, provided a criminal can be caught and convicted, tends to end a criminal's career of crime.
