Tuesday, March 4, 2014

***Teens Sues Own Parents: Spoiled Brat or is She Right?***

I am sure you have heard by now about the 18 year old girl in New Jersey who is suing her parents and ordering them to pay her living expenses, private school tuition, and college expenses when she attends in the fall. She claims that they kicked her out of the house and cut her off from any financial support. Her parents tell a very different side of the story.

When Rachel Canning turned 18 she decided that it was time to move out of her house because she didn't want to follow the rules that her parents set for her which included having a curfew, being respectful to her parents, and they wanted her to think about breaking up with her boyfriend because they felt he was a bad influence on her. She is now living with her best friend and their parents. She said that she is suing her parents for any school expenses and living expenses that she has racked up since leaving the house and in the future. The father of her best friend that she is staying with is an attorney and is currently paying for her legal fees. He is suing the parents as well and making them reimburse him for his legal fees which already total over $12,000.

Rachel's parents kept her car when she moved out as they had paid for it. They also stopped paying the tuition at the private school she is currently attending. They said that they miss her and wanted her back in the house but only if she were to follow the rules that they have laid out for her.

This case is unique because Rachel's parents are still together when most cases like this are due to custody battles. A divorce mediator from New York says that he has not seen a case like this before but does not believe that Rachel is going to get very far in the court.

My opinion on this is that she is 18 now. Whether she was kicked out or left on her own, she is old enough to get a job and pay for her expenses like the rest of us do. If her parents won't release her college fund she can get scholarships, grants, and financial aid like millions of other students do. It is time to grow up and be an adult.

What do you think about this?


  1. I've been on my own since I was 15. she can pay her own way, she needs to leave your parents alone. it's time for you to grow up girly girl.

  2. Sometimes you have to follow rules that you don't necessarily agree with - that's how the real world works (especially when someone else is putting a roof over your head). It doesn't sound like her parents did anything illegal, especially since she is technically an adult. She made the decision on her own to move out. As for paying for school, she should have transferred to public school if she knew she wasn't going to be able to pay for it. Her parents were simply showing her a little tough love so she could grow up.

  3. Sounds like someone is paying her attorney with sex... I feel bad for the parents that are trying to teach her about being accountable. She sounds like a spoiled brat that manipulates to get what she wants.

  4. spoiled brat!! I came from a family of 7, my parents were not expected to pay any of our ways through college, i started babysitting at 14, bought my own car at 17 and paid for a trip to Europe after high school. And I was diagnosed with an incurable disease at 16, so yeah, she needs to get the fuk over it and get on with her life. If she wanted to cut herself off from her parents so bad, then don't take their money!
