Tuesday, March 11, 2014

***Profile of a Dealer - Jeffrey Hayes***

Since everyone seems to know this dirtbag and knows that he is a snitch, here is a little outline of this wonderful ManchVegas citizen's past:
September 22nd, 2006 - Jeff Hayes, Antoine "Twiz" Bell Rogers met through friends in prison. For weeks they had been talking about committing "jobs" around the city. Then on September 22nd they robbed the K&B Rental in Manchester. Bell Rogers went in with a handgun and demanded money from the real estate company.
October 3rd, 2006 - Hayes and Bell Rogers committed another armed robbery at an apartment on Village Circle Way. Hayes knew the victim (a friend of his brother's). He knew that the guy he was robbing was a cocaine dealer. He sent Bell Rogers in with the gun to do his dirty work hoping that he would either take the cocaine, the money, or both. In the end Bell Rogers shot the victim (although it feels wrong to say victim when the guy was dealing cocaine) but did not kill him.
October 10th, 2006 - Hayes and Bell Rogers robbed the El Mexicano restaurant. Hayes was the one driving the getaway car. Bell Rogers had a handgun on him that he used to commit the robbery. There was a third man with him, Michael Addison, who we all know as Officer Briggs' killer. Addison went into the restaurant with Bell Rogers armed with a knife.
Officer Briggs was killed on October 16th, 2006 by Michael Addison.
During the Addison trial Hayes was granted immunity in exchange for his testimony against Addison.
Hayes made a plea bargain that would give him 4-15 years behind bars. He admitted to lying to the police before the plea bargain and admitted to lying to the judge during his sentencing hearing.
Jump to December of 2007, the court requested more information from Hayes. He claimed that he had contracted EEE which caused memory loss and he could not remember the details of the robberies (gee now isn't that convenient).
In January the court still had not gotten anything about his medical "condition".
In February 2008 Hayes changed his story yet again and revised his statement to the police to be used in court against Addison. Hayes told the court that Addison had made threats about shooting the police and he knew he was going to do it if anyone had tried to cross him.
Today we see him hiding (well not really hiding because a lot of this stuff was in plain sight) $11k worth of heroin in an apartment where a 2 year old was living. Why has he not served more jail time for his crimes? Why is he allowed to be on the street after committing armed robberies? Some may argue that he didn't actually commit them because he was the one driving the car or getting into the apartment but never actually the one robbing anyone, but he has proven that he is not someone that can be trusted and is someone who has no respect for the law.
What do you think? Will he be let out this time for snitching on the people he got the heroin from or was selling to? Will he ever clean up? From what I can see he may as well just remain in prison. Some people will never change and we are far better off without someone like this on the  streets. It is a shame when the law gives a repeat offender leniency because they tattle on others. How is that teaching them a lesson? They will just think that every time they do something wrong they can rat their way out of it. Our city needs to be kept safe and that is NOT the way that we are going accomplish that.

Information on Addison trial and Hayes' involvement obtain from http://www.courts.state.nh.us/supreme/ebriefs/2009/20090048_defendantbrief.pdf