Tuesday, March 25, 2014

***Daily Breakdown 03/25/2014***

Well everyone, tonight is the night.....let's see how bad this is really going to be.

WEATHER: We will have a high of 40 degrees with partly cloudy weather today. Then tonight we will have a drop to 26 degrees and in comes the winter weather. However...here is the good news. The storm has shifted to the East and what was being hyped up on the news stations as another huge storm is now going to spit out less than an inch of accumulation. I'll take it!! The winds are going to be howling though so watch out for falling tree limbs.

TRAFFIC: Traffic is looking good on all of the major highways. You are looking at a slight slow down from Exit 4 on 293 North up to the traffic circle and a few spots here and there on 101 West and East.

HEADLINES: 2 people were confirmed dead in a fire on Mooresville Street yesterday. Neighbors reported hearing an explosion. When the fire trucks got to the scene the house was fully involved. Traffic was snarled all over Huse and South Mammoth as news crews from around New England swarmed the scene. More on this story later in a separate post.

A student at Pembroke Academy had his Player of the Year award for basketball taken away from him after sending out a tweet that had obscene language directed at another team. Some say that the punishment is a little extreme, others say that it was the right thing to do. The reasoning that they gave for taking it away was that the tweet display extreme unsportsmanlike misconduct.

Luis Figueroa of Salem, NH was passed out behind the wheel of his Mercedes after a night of swerving all over the road. Multiple people called in to complain about the car. When the officers woke Figueroa up he immediately took off in his car, smashing head on into a cruiser and pushing it back 15 feet, then hitting three more parked cars and two more cruisers. He resisted arrest but was finally caught. They found a large amount of Xanax in the car and was also found to be intoxicated. He is being held on $1.5 million for bail due to previous incidents where he posted a high amount of bail after being arrested. He has a long history of dangerous behavior and resisting arrest.

SPORTS: The Bruins unfortunately have ended their amazing winning streak after a 2-1 loss in a shootout yesterday with the Montreal Canadiens. The Red Sox/Orioles game was postponed.

Hope everyone has a good day today and our thoughts are with the families and friends of the two people killed in the fire yesterday.

Kudos to all of the brave men and women that responded to the fire and worked so hard to make sure that it was put out as quickly as possible.

Information for headlines obtained from WMUR: www.wmur.com and the Union Leader: www.unionleader.com

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