Wednesday, February 26, 2014

***Daily Breakdown 02/26/14***

Good morning everyone! I hope that today is a better day than yesterday for the news. Too many sad things going on!

WEATHER: Today we will see a high of a whopping 25 degrees. We have a 50% chance of getting some snow showers or flurries but the accumulation will be less than an inch. They are predicting another storm for us this weekend but that is still a few days away and this is New England. That will most likely change.

TRAFFIC: Traffic on 293 South is moving slowly all the way down to the Route 3/93 South split. From there Route 3 South is slow through Merrimack. Route 93 North has a few slow patches around the 293 split and then again at the 101 split. There is another spot by Exit 5 on 93 North that has slowed down. 101 East is slow in a few spots here and there and 101 West appears to be slow all the way from the coast this morning. There are no accidents so there is no reason for the slowness that I can see.

HEADLINES: A four alarm fire broke out in Laconia last night at a multi-family building. They believe that one person may still be inside the building. (Update: That man has died. They found his body in the center apartment) There is no word on a cause yet.

Officials are now backtracking and saying that they are not releasing the age and gender of the body that was found behind the Hooksett Cinemagic theater. Earlier reports were coming in from multiple news sources that it was a 13 year old girl, then they changed it to being someone a little older, and now they are not even stating the gender. The first major news outlet that stated that it was a 13 year old girl has retracted their statement and apologized. An autopsy was conducted yesterday afternoon, investigators were still on the scene overnight. I will let you know more information as soon as it comes in.

Fun fact in NH: The first potato planted in the United States was at Londonderry Common Field in 1719.

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