Friday, September 12, 2014

***NH Rocks For a Cure***

Interview with Jules Loehr about NH Rocks for a Cure

Why did you start NH Rocks? - I am a 15 year Breast Cancer Survivor, and every year I've raised money to walk for Making Strides. As time went on, my fundraisers were getting bigger and bigger and I was doing more research as to what other foundations might benefit from my fundraising efforts. I discovered that many don't distribute the money the way we think they do.  At the same time, I learned about other women battling breast cancer, far worse that my diagnosis, and stressing out about bills, their family, their job and more.  For some, passing away after a long battle and not having a legacy to leave behind or to have one last memorable moment.  But there is a ray of hope in all of this, I became inspired last year by a young lady, Kelly Mckie, and her story about how she wanted to go to Ireland as her last wish on this earth. Through the kindness of a strangers, she went to Ireland this past March. This is why I wanted to start keeping the money within the state of New Hampshire and not give money to large foundations.  I wanted to start making wishes come true for patients.  

How is this going to help those in the community? - Keeping the money within New Hampshire and using the resources we have or plan on making with area businesses and corporations, we will be able to use almost all of the proceeds we raise to go towards the dreams patients will be asking for.

What are some things that NH Rocks does for those affected by breast cancer?- Being in our infant stages this year, we are hoping to hit the ground running in 2015 with ideas volunteers, businesses, and strangers have spoken to us about. One idea I am quite excited about is creating a survival bag for patients for when they go through treatment.  These are bags I put together containing items that will help them every time they go to treatment, so everything is one place. I have made many of the years for friends and strangers I have met, and it always makes them smile, and THAT is what matters. making woman smile again through the tough times!

What has been the most rewarding thing about running NH Rocks so far? - How much we have grown in just one year.  The overwhelming amount of support people giving us and asking how to help. The support touches me!

Where do you hope to be by next year with NH Rocks? - It's going to take some time to discover who will request wishes to come true. I'm hoping we can can start making some wishes come true early 2015 and keep having more and more fundraisers to make them bigger and better every year

How can people in the community get involved? - We would like to do more fundraisers on top of the one we do every Oct. All our information is updated on our website constantly at In addition we have a community and group page on facebook for those who want to follow us and be updated to help out whenever possible.

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