Tuesday, September 2, 2014

***09/02/14 Calls***

6:59am - ACCIDENT: Engine 2 ALS 3 bravo hot response. Second and W Hancock for an accident. Tac 3.

7:03am - MEDICAL: ALS 1 alpha response. Market St for a back injury. United and Canal. Tac 2.

8:16am - ASSAULT: ALS 3 alpha response. Union St at Santoro's for an assault. Monadnock and Manchester. Tac 2.

8:21am - ACCIDENT: Rimmon Street, charter bus for the Founder's Academy backed into a car parked on the street and then took off.

9:03am - ALARM: Engine 11 & 5 Truck 1 Rescue 1 delta response. Bedford St for a CO detector activation and reported odor of gas in the apartment. Tac 5.

9:05am - MEDICAL: Engine 3 ALS 3 delta response. Rosegate Farm Dr for a sick person. Rambling Rose and Country Walk. Tac 3.

9:49am - PSYCH: ALS 2 alpha response. Pine and Lowell for a psych problem. Meet the PD. Tac 2.

9:56am - ACCIDENT: Engine 10 & 8 ALS 1 delta response. 93 North at mile marker 22, right at Exit 8 off ramp for an accident. Tac 3.

10:11am - MEDICAL: Rescue 1 ALS 4 charlie response. S Main St for a reported stroke. Hale and Second. Tac 3.

10:44am - MEDICAL: ALS 2 bravo hot response. Huse Rd for a fall. Cross Mooresville. Tac 2.

10:49am - ALARM: Engine 11 Truck 7 charlie response. Valley St for an alarm activation. Corner of Pine. Tac 4.

10:54am - MEDICAL: ALS 3 bravo hot response. Hitchcock Clinic for a reported stroke. Tac 2.

11:05am - ASSAULT: ALS 1 bravo cold response. Ash and Amherst for an assault in progress. Stage and wait for PD. Tac 2.

11:14am - MEDICAL: ALS 4 bravo cold response. Manchester St for a back injury. Beech and Maple. Tac 2.

11:27am - MEDICAL: ALS 2 bravo cold response. Cotter Ct for a sick person. Cross Young. Tac 2.

11:49am - MEDICAL: Engine 11 ALS 4 echo response. Econo Lodge on W Hancock for a cardiac arrest. Tac 3

12:07pm - ODOR: Engine 8 Rescue 1 bravo hot response. Normand St for an outside odor of natural gas. Small and Holt. Tac 4.

12:17pm - MEDICAL: Engine 5 ALS 5 delta response. Webster St for difficulty breathing. Walnut and Beech. Tac 3

12:22pm - ASSAULT: ALS 3 bravo cold response. Union St to meet the PD for an assault. Valley and Bell. Tac 2.

12:29pm - MEDICAL: Engine 4 ALS 4 bravo hot response. Front St for a fall. Cross Hackett Hill. Tac 3.

12:36pm - MEDICAL: Engine 5 ALS 1 delta response. North Acres Rd for difficulty breathing. Colonial and Radcliffe. Tac 3.

12:39pm - ACCIDENT: Union and North. No injuries reported.

1:03pm - ASSAULT: ALS 2 bravo cold response. W Hancock St for an assault. Wow....violent city today. Second and Goffe. Assailant still on scene. Stage and wait for PD. Tac 2.

1:08pm - MEDICAL: ALS 4 charlie response. River's Edge on Queen City Ave for an emergency transfer. Brown and Sundial. Tac 2.

2:43pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 11 ALS 1 bravo hot response. Somerville and Beech for an accident. Tac 3.

2:48pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 3 & 8 Rescue 1 Car 1 ALS 3 delta response. 93 Northbound, area of the exit 6 off ramp for an accident, reported rollover. Tac 3.

2:50pm - FIGHT: McDonald's on South Willow for a fight. Unsure of how many are involved.

2:53pm - MEDICAL: ALS 2 bravo cold response. IRA Toyota in the parts department for a head injury. S Willow and Keller. Tac 2.

3:03pm - ALARM: Engine 7 charlie response. Batchelder Ave for a CO detector activation. Harvard and Hayward. Tac 4.

3:08pm - ELEVATOR: Engine 6 Rescue 1 alpha response. Hollis St at Manchester Community Health for a report of a person stuck in the elevator. Tac 4.

3:10pm - MEDICAL: Engine 11 charlie response. Cahill Ave at Nadeau's for a sick person. Tac 3.

3:11pm - ALERT: Engine 7 & 9 charlie response. Kelly Ave at the Airport for an Alert 1  (no idea what that means). Tac 4.

3:23pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 2 Truck 7 ALS 4 bravo hot response. Union and Silver for an accident. Tac 3.

3:26pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 6 Rescue 1 Car 1 ALS 1 delta response. Kelley and I believe they said Montgomery for an accident car vs. bicycle. RUSH ALS. Tac 3.

3:28pm - MEDICAL: Engine 4 charlie response. Stonyview Way for a fainting. Front St cross. Tac 3.

3:29pm - ALARM: Engine 10 Truck 1 charlie response. Holt Ave for a fire alarm activation. Tac 4

3:57pm - ACCIDENT: ALS 4 delta response. Kelley and Hevey for the motor vehicle accident to assist with another patient. Tac 3.

4:06pm - MEDICAL: ALS 2 charlie response. Elm St at the Brady Sullivan tower for an emergency transfer. Salmon and North. Tac 2.

4:19pm - ASSAULT: ALS 3 bravo cold response. Amherst between Maple and Lincoln for an assault. Tac 2.

4:19pm - MEDICAL: Truck 1 ALS 1 delta response. Lincoln and Auburn in the ball park for a fainting. Tac 3.

4:24pm - MEDICAL: Engine 7 alpha response. PD HQ in booking for a sick person. Beech and Maple. Tac 3.

4:30pm - ALARM: Engine 10 bravo cold response. Heathrow Ave for a CO detector. Wellington Hill cross. Tac 4.

4:43pm - ALARM: Engine 4 Truck 5 Car 1 charlie response. Greenview Dr for a central station alarm. Tac 4.

4:46pm - SMOKE; Engine 6 & 11, 2, Truck 1 Rescue 1 ALS 2 delta response. Greenview Dr for filling out the box with smoke in the building, first floor. Tac 4.

4:59pm - MEDICAL: ALS 2 bravo cold response. Thistle Way for an unknown medical. Corning and Hollyhock. Tac 2

5:12pm - MEDICAL: ALS 1 bravo cold response. Orange Street for a medical alarm activation. Pine and Union. Tac 2

5:15pm - MEDICAL: Rescue 1 ALS 3 delta response. Amherst St for chest pain. Pine and Bethel. Tac 3.

5:19pm- FIGHT: Possible fight, Silver and Wilson, woman mentioned someone threatening to stab someone else.

5:25pm - ASSAULT: Engine 7 with a Bedford ambulance respond. Wilson and Silver for an assault.

5:26pm - ALARM: Engine 10 Truck 6 Car 1 charlie response. Central High for a radio box alarm in the maintenance building. Tac 4.

5:35pm - OVERDOSE: Engine 5 bravo cold response. Elgin Ave for an overdose. Cross Camelot. Tac 3.

5:37pm - MEDICAL: Engine 2 alpha response. Huntress St for a psych problem. McDuffy and Prince. Tac 3.

10:11pm - THREAT: Caller said that someone cornered him at Dunkins on South Willow and threatened him.

10:30pm - MEDICAL: ALS 3 alpha response. Bridge St for a sick person. Circular and Mammoth. Tac 2.

10:31pm - MEDICAL: Engine 3 ALS 2 echo response. Circle Rd for difficulty breathing. Manor to Manor. Tac 3.

10:36pm - UNWANTED: Possible burglary in progress, Dover St. Granite to Douglas. Caller can hear noise in a vacant apartment and possibly saw a flashlight.

11:02pm - STABBING: Engine 7 ALS 1 bravo hot response. Wilson St for a stabbing. Harvard and Prescott. Tac 3.

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