Sunday, July 27, 2014

***07/26/14 Calls***

5:38pm - MEDICAL: ALS 4 charlie response. River's Edge on Queen City Ave for an allergic reaction. Brown and Sundial. Tac 2.

5:52pm - MEDICAL: Engine 11 ALS 3 delta response. Lowell St at the Friendship House for respiratory distress. Pine and Union. Tac 3.

6:04pm - MEDICAL: Engine 5 ALS 2 delta response. Blodgett St for a sick person. Tac 3. (Didn't catch the cross)

7:04pm - MEDICAL: Engine 7 ALS 3 delta response. Boynton Court, corner of Valley St for chest pain with difficulty breathing. Tac 3.

7:08pm - ALARM: Engine 11 and 6 Truck 1 Rescue 1 Car 2 charlie response. Manchester St for a straight box alarm at Manch Mental Health. Tac 5

7:24pm - ASSIST: West Haven Rd, assist ALS with a manic patient. Cross Applecrest.

7:38pm - MEDICAL: Engine 7 ALS 1 echo response. Jewett St for cardiac arrest. Brooklyn and Somerville. Tac 3.

8:08pm - MEDICAL: Truck 1 ALS 2 delta response. Hilton Garden Inn on S Commercial for a heart problem. Riverwalk and Granite. Tac 3.

8:35pm - MEDICAL: Truck 7 ALS 1 echo response. Valley St for a cardiac arrest. Cross Cypress. Tac 3. Man there are too many of these tonight :(

8:59pm - MEDICAL: Engine 8 ALS 4 delta response. Eastgate Way for difficulty breathing. Cross Holt. Tac 3.

9:43pm - UNWANTED: Male at 313 (now called Paradym) with black jogging pants and red shoes. Has been asked to leave and refuses to.

10:24pm - CHECK: Hevey St, caller stated that a male outside threw a brick through a glass door. Amory to Kelley

10:44pm - CHECK: Male sitting outside of a house on Andrew St, cross River Rd. Caller said he is lighting things on fire and keeps saying he wants to get in the house.

10:49pm - PSYCH: ALS 1 bravo cold response. Merrimack St for a psych problem. Elm and Chestnut. Stage and wait for PD.

11:10pm - FIRE: Engine 11 bravo cold response. In the alley behind Chestnut Street again for an illegal burn. Myrtle and Orange. Tac 4.

11:22pm - MEDICAL: ALS 2 bravo hot response. Old Hackett Hill Rd for a hemorrhage. Front to a dead end. Tac 2.

11:25pm - CHECK: Third St, someone threw a rock at the house of a person who damaged a truck earlier. On going issue. Cross Bath St.

11:33pm - DRUNK: Pine and Brook, white female wandering around drunk, trying to get into cars. #SaturdayNightsAlright #BartenderIWillHaveAnother #DontHaveToGoHome

11:49pm - THREAT: Eastern Ave, three subjects walking down Eastern, one said something about killing someone.

11:53pm - MEDICAL: Engine 8 ALS 4 charlie response. Ledgewood Way for chest pain. Harmony and Barstow. Tac 3.

11:54pm - MEDICAL: Engine 9 ALS 3 delta response. Trahan St for a seizure. W Baker cross. Tac 3.


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