Sunday, May 25, 2014


We did it! 10,000 fans in just under four months!! That is crazy! What started as me posting big scanner happenings on my personal page has turned into something huge and it is awesome.

So what is this big announcement you may ask? Well, it is nothing that is super huge, but is definitely going to come in handy when I am on vacation or away from the computer. It is going to continue to grow as things progress and will get bigger and better as we go along.

I know, I know, just get to the announcement already right?

That's right people, we have a website! Now, the great thing (and the biggest tool) about this site is that if you click on the Scanner Alerts link at the top of the page you will see our Twitter feed. Since Facebook is horrid and will not let me add admins, this is how this will work. I will have a few admins set up so that they can post updates to the Twitter feed while I am away. Even if you don't have Twitter, you will still be able to see all of the updates as they come through. Granted there won't be any comments, or likes or anything, but there is a nice little chat box next to the feed where you can discuss hot topics if you feel like it. Keep it clean and civil people!!

There are three emails that are connected with the website or you can use the contact me form. - anything you want to know about the site or page itself - If you have photos of an incident that was reported to share, send them here! - Any general alerts or any big news stories that we have missed (please make sure it is verified news, nothing that you think may be happening or that someone told someone else)

While I am gone at the end of June my admins will be posting when they are available so that there are still alerts for the week that I will be offline. This way you can still get your fix while I am not around :)

Thank you to everyone who has made this page as huge as it is!

Photo from:


  1. Cool Beans! Great work you're doing here.

  2. Awesome good for you!!!! I love finding out where all the sirens go when they scream past my house!! I appreciate it!
