Tuesday, May 27, 2014

***05/26/14 Calls***

4:50pm - MEDICAL: ALS 4 alpha response. Pepperidge Drive for a shoulder problem. Donahue Drive to a dead end. Tac 2

4:58pm - HIT AND RUN: Man at the Dunkins in CMC tried to pull a hit and run on a rental vehicle.

5:04pm - UNWANTED: Varney Street apartments, man in the backyard peeing on windows. Classy. South Main to Bowman.

5:12pm - ALS 2 bravo hot response. Meetinghouse at Riverfront Drive for a fall with knee pain. Tac 2.

5:12pm - UNWANTED: Market Basket, frequent flyer that has been removed before it sounds like. He refused to leave and called the police saying he feels harassed.

5:17pm - UNWANTED: Silver Street, male in apartment, drunk, throwing things, causing a scene. Has been trespassed from this location already. Cross Lincoln to Wilson.

5:32pm - MEDICAL: Engine 3 ALS 3 delta response. Brown Ave for a head injury. Devonshire Estates. Tac 3.

5:33pm - ALARM: Engine 5 Truck 1 Car 1 charlie response. Brook Street for an alarm activation. Elm and Temple. Tac 4.

6:28pm - MEDICAL: ALS 2 alpha response. Cohas and Island Pond for an anxiety attack. Tac 2.

6:30pm - MEDICAL: ALS 1 charlie response. Bronstein Park on Union for a sick person. Hanover and Amherst. Tac 2.

7:41pm - MEDICAL: ALS 3 mutual aid response to Hooksett for an intercept. Hooksett Rd to Mammoth Rd for the Elliot for a seizure. Tac 2.

8:02pm - CHECK: Caller is afraid that her sister was being assaulted. Central Street. Cross Pine and Union.

8:08pm - ARGUMENT: Caller is trying to pick up her son and the father is very intoxicated. S Wilson Street cross Morey. Code 7 on channel one, she stated that he had a firearm. Multiple units dispatched at 8:10pm. Traffic stopped at 8:12pm. SWAT Bearcat arrives at 8:32pm.

8:26pm - FIRE: Engine 7 bravo cold response. Springview Court for an outside fire. Cross Somerville.

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