Sunday, March 30, 2014

***Who is the ManchVegas Alerts Owner???***

I have to say, I feel a little like the popular kid in high school. Lol. People have come up to me in the office saying how much they like the page, citizens all over the city follow, firefighters follow it, news reporters from WMUR follow it, and people from all over the country have been following it. It is humbling to say the least that this little hobby of mine is something that people get excited over. I wish this could be my full time job!!

Since I started this page in February the amount of followers has swelled to almost 6,500 which is crazy to me considering I thought I would get around 20 people following and that is about it. Many of you have asked who I am and while I am not going to reveal my name (even though a lot of you know who I am), I will give you a little insight as to why this page was started and why I do what I do.

I live in the West Side. I have been here since 2008. When I first moved to this apartment it was relatively quiet. I thought we had found a nice neighborhood that was perfect for the price of the rent. And then the drug dealers started swarming the city. The streets became loud and unsafe. People in my own building were fighting, screaming, and dealing drugs 24/7. I had looked into moving many times but for the price we were paying and the size of the apartment, there was just nowhere better that was in our price range, so we stayed. I live here with my son and roommate and little by little things in the building have gotten better, and since the DEA busted that meth lab a few houses down I have noticed less drug traffic on my block. There is still one problem house on the block, but that is something small to deal with.

As things started happening more and more in my area I would post about it on Facebook. Sometimes I would try to throw a little humor into the post, other times I was just plain irritated. I found out about the scanner app for the phone so I would turn it on whenever I would hear sirens in the area to see what was going on. I started grabbing my camera and heading to whatever newsworthy event was happening. It all started with the arsonist that was on the West Side and then two different standoffs that happened within months of each other. I realized that this was what I needed to be doing for a living and I am still working to get there. After some postings about my neighbor in my building being shot in the alley at the back of my house, one of my friends said that my posts about the crap going on in the neighborhood entertained her and joked that I should make a page about it. And so thanks to that friend, ManchVegas Alerts was born. I figured at least a few people would follow because the news outlets only tell you what they think will drive ratings, not everything that happens in the city, which by the number of calls that happen in a day is understandable!

So now we are where we are. All of you fantastic people following the page and so interested in what is going on in the city around is awesome. I wish I could do this for the surrounding cities too but this certainly keeps me busy enough. I work full time at one job, work another part time job from home, do this, own a photography business, and am a single mother so it can all be exhausting. The fact that you guys love this page so much and share it with all of your friends far outweighs anything negative that comes my way from the page. Thank you all for following!! Someday hopefully I will be able to turn this into something that I can get paid to do. I would finally love what I do for a living!!


  1. I use to do your nails

  2. Thanks for all you are doing. Hoping your dreams come true.

  3. Did you go to goffstown?

  4. Hey neighbor, love the page. Im just a couple houses down and across the street. Thanks for doing what you do! Informative and entertaining!

  5. Your page is the first page my family goes to when we hear sirens....Thank you!

  6. Your dream is to sit around and tell people how shitty Manchester is? People love the page as a novelty, but when that wears off, all you have is another piece of Manchvegas trash pointing out everything shitty about Manchester while doing nothing about it.

    1. Well aren't you sweet. A year and a half and still going strong. There is a lot more posted than bad news. Community events, local sports and music, and more.

  7. As I read your feeble excerpt I wonder who you are and why you won't reveal yourself. Why you feel the need to post someone's mugshot along with their address is beyond me. Have you forgotten that people make mistakes and to post things about them is an invasion of privacy. If you are not willing to identify yourself then why do you feel you can do that to others? For the very same reason you do not want to be known neither do they. Because you run a small blog does not mean you would ever fit in with the rest of the reporters simply because you downloaded an app. Also, these posts open up the opportunity to speak badly about one another via comment, and to talk badly about someone they do not know personally with name calling. Why do you think the reputable companies do not release their information? Simply because they would become liable if something happened to them. You will probably continue to post things that are happening but please do not share their address, unless you are willing to do the same. You must be delusional if you honestly think that you are actually helping these situations. Please let the professionals do the reporting and find another hobby. Your false sense of entitlement is filling me with righteous indignation.

    1. Your feeble attempt at trying to bring me down is hilarious. I NEVER post addresses on the statuses that I post. The only time an address is put on my pages is when it is already on WMUR, Union Leader, or any other news site because I share their links directly. I do not have a sense of entitlement. I do not claim to be a reporter, do not feel that I deserve special treatment. I do this as a volunteer hobby plain and simple. This page has been running for almost three years now and people find it to be a useful page. If you do not you are more than welcome to remove yourself from it and follow reporters instead. No feelings will be hurt here. Why have you chosen not to identify who you are? Nothing better than an armchair bully. Step out from behind the keyboard. I am not hiding who I am, why are you? As for the comments left on statuses, welcome to the internet my friend. I do not control other people's thoughts and opinions. I delete comments that are ruthless when I see them but sometimes there are some that slip through the cracks. Have a wonderful day, and don't forget the unlike button is right at the top of the Facebook page!
