Saturday, July 16, 2016

***Daily Calls 07/15/16***

6:43am - OVERDOSE: Truck 1 ALS 3 echo response. Beech and Lowell for a cardiac arrest, overdose. Tac 3

7:40am - MEDICAL: ALS 3 alpha response. Manchester St for a fall. Pine and Union. Tac 2

7:48am - MEDICAL: Engine 5 ALS 2 echo response. River Rd for a cardiac arrest. W North and Canal. Tac 3

10:13am - MEDICAL: Engine 7 ALS 2 delta response. Fremont St for an unconscious person. Somerville and Hayward. Tac 3

10:57am - FIRE: Engine 8 bravo hot response. Bodwell Rd for a tree fire. Pheasant and Cranberry. Tac 4

11:16am - MEDICAL: Rescue 1 ALS 1 charlie response. Victory Park for a seizure. Tac 3

11:24am - MEDICAL: ALS 3 alpha response. Candia Rd for a fall. Sinclair and Massabesic Circle. Tac 2

11:36am - ALARM: Engine 5 Truck 6 Car 1 charlie response. English Village Rd for a radio box alarm. Tac 4

11:48am - ALARM: Engine 10 & 11 Truck 1 Rescue 1 Car 1 charlie response. Bridge St for a central station alarm. Circular and Mammoth. Tac 5

11:57am - MEDICAL: ALS 1 alpha response. Veteran's Park for a sick person. Tac 2

12:29pm - MEDICAL: Engine 7 ALS 3 delta response. Jewett St for a person not alert. Young and Hayward. Tac 3

12:36pm - ALARM: Engine 6 Truck 1 Car 1 charlie response. Rimmon St for an alarm activation. Kelley and Bremer. Tac 4

12:58pm - MEDICAL: Engine 6 ALS 5 charlie response. CMC office building for a fainting. Tac 3

1:02pm - FIRE: Engine 5 bravo hot response. Amoskeag Circle for a car fire. Tac 4

1:14pm - ALARM: Engine 9 Truck 7 Car 1 charlie response. Beech Hill Dr for an alarm activation. Beech Hill and Bradley. Tac 4

1:24pm - OVERDOSE: Engine 11 ALS 4 echo response. Orange St for a cardiac arrest, OD. N Church cross. Tac 3

1:25pm - OVERDOSE: ALS 1 bravo cold response. Concord and Haines for a possible OD. Tac 2

1:28pm - MEDICAL: ALS 2 alpha response. Central Station for a sick person. Tac 2

1:30pm - MEDICAL: ALS 5 alpha response. Veteran's Park for a sick person. Tac 2

1:35pm - ASSAULT: ALS 3 alpha response. Wilson St for an assault. Prescott and Hayward. Tac 2

1:44pm - MEDICAL: Engine 5 ALS 2 delta response. Londonderry Ln for an unconscious person. Pine and Union. Tac 3

1:45pm - ALARM: Engine 9 charlie response. Beech Hill Dr for an alarm activation. Beech Hill Ave cross. Tac 5

2:21pm - MEDICAL: ALS 5 alpha response. Beech St South of Hanover for an unknown problem. Tac 2

2:41pm - MEDICAL: ALS 3 alpha response. Second St for a seizure. 293 and Arnold. Tac 2

6:53pm - MEDICAL: ALS 3 bravo cold response. Spruce St to check a patient. Beacon cross. Tac 4 (meth lab scene)

7:00pm - MEDICAL: Truck 1 ALS 2 alpha response. Central Station for a sick person. Tac 3

7:18pm - FIRE: Engine 5 bravo cold response. River and Ridge for wires burning, trees involved. Tac 4

7:21pm - FIRE: Engine 11 bravo hot response. Ashland St for a tree on fire involving wires. E High cross. Tac 4

7:54pm - ASSAULT: ALS 1 bravo cold response. Spruce St for an assault. Stage and wait for PD. Barry and Union. Tac 2

8:24pm - MEDICAL: Rescue 1 ALS 3 delta response. Lake Ave for an unconscious person. Union and Beech. Tac 3

8:27pm - SMOKE: Engine 11 alpha response. Merrimack between Belmont and Wilson to check for smoke. Tac 4

8:37pm - MEDICAL: Engine 11 ALS 1 charlie response. Amherst St for chest pain. Pine and Bethel. Tac 3

8:53pm - SMOKE: Engine 5 11 10 2 RIC Truck  1 & 6 Rescue 1 Car 1 ALS 4 delta response. 1st Ave for smoke in the basement, possible fire. Arizona cross. Tac 5

9:07pm - MEDICAL: ALS 2 bravo cold response. Webster and Pine for an unknown medical. Tac 2

9:31pm - OVERDOSE: Engine 3 ALS 3 echo response. Thomas for a cardiac arrest, overdose. Columbia and Kevin. Tac 3

10:21pm - HIT AND RUN: Gray Hyundai Elantra rear ended by white Volvo, Volvo driver took off. Pine and Webster.

10:45pm - MEDICAL: Engine 6 ALS 2 delta response. Cartier St for chest pain. W Schuyler and Sullivan. Tac 3

10:52pm - OVERDOSE: ALS 3 bravo cold response. South Willow for an overdose. Kay and Auto Center. Tac 2

10:56pm - ALARM: Engine 11 Truck 1 Car 1 charlie response. Beech St for a straight box alarm. Cedar and Spruce. Tac 4

10:57pm - PSYCH: ALS 1 alpha response. PD HQ for a psych problem. Tac 2

11:23pm - MEDICAL: Truck 1 ALS 4 delta response. Elm St for a fall. Patient unconscious, fell over the railing of the balcony at Murphy's. Tac 3

11:26pm - MEDICAL: Engine 10 ALS 3 delta response. Eastern Ave for chest pain. Old Wellington and Karatzas. Tac 3

11:28pm - MEDICAL: Rescue 1 ALS 1 delta response. Stairs by Market Basket for an unconscious person. Tac 3

11:39pm - MEDICAL: Truck 1 ALS 2 echo response. Union St for a person choking, patient unconscious. Spruce cross. Tac 3

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