Monday, April 20, 2015

***04/13/15 to 04/19/15 Calls***


7:42am - ALARM: Engine 6 Truck 1 Car 1 charlie response. Joliette St for a central station alarm. Kelley and Bremer. Tac 4

7:45am - MEDICAL: Engine 11 ALS 2 charlie response. Spruce St for an overdose. Stage and wait for PD. Beacon and Clough. Tac 3

7:52am - MEDICAL: ALS 4 bravo cold response. Milford and King for a possible alcohol problem. Tac 2

7:57am - MEDICAL: ALS 3 bravo hot response. Chestnut St for a fall. Lake and Litchfield. Tac 2

8:39am - BABY!!: Rescue 1 ALS 1 delta response. Beech St for a woman in labor. Merrimack and Monadnock. Tac 3

9:39am - MEDICAL: Engine 8 ALS 2 charlie response. Bridge St for difficulty breathing. Erskine and Wells. Tac 3

9:48am - MEDICAL: ALS 4 alpha response. Elm St for abdominal pain. Thayer and Carpenter. Tac 2

9:50am - MEDICAL: ALS 3 alpha response. Hanover St for a sick person. Pine and Union. Tac 2

9:52am - MEDICAL: Truck 1 ALS 1 delta response. Hollis St for difficulty breathing. N Hampshire and Canal. Tac 3

9:54am - MEDICAL: Engine 11 ALS 6 delta response. Union St for chest pain. Lowell and High. Tac 3

10:12am - MEDICAL: ALS 2 alpha response. Belmont St for a fall. Valley cross. Tac 2

10:13am - ACCIDENT: Engine 8 bravo hot response. Massabesic traffic circle for an accident. Tac 3

10:40am - ALARM: Engine 7 Truck 7 Car 1 charlie response. Hayward St for an alarm activation. Wilson and Hall. Tac 4

10:41am - MEDICAL: Engine 5 ALS 4 echo response. Garden Dr for a cardiac arrest. Dunbarton and English Village. Tac 3

10:42am - ALARM: Engine 2 & 11 Truck 6 Rescue 1 charlie response. West High for a straight box alarm. Tac 5

11:07am - MEDICAL: ALS 1 alpha response. Jewett St for back pain. Glendale and Clay. Tac 2

11:08am - ALARM: Engine 9 Truck 7 Car 1 charlie response. Sentinel Ct for a radio box alarm. Bradley cross. Tac 4

11:16am - ACCIDENT: Engine 11 ALS 4 bravo hot response. Lincoln and Spruce. Tac 3

11:39am - MEDICAL: Engine 10 ALS 5 delta response. Edward J Roy Dr for difficulty breathing. Wellington and Hitchcock. Tac3

11:41am - ODOR: Engine 11 & 6 Truck 1 Rescue 1 Car 1 delta response. Lake Ave for an odor of natural gas. Hall and Belmont. Tac 5

12:48pm - MEDICAL: Engine 10 ALS 1 delta response. Karatzas Ave for chest pain. Old Wellington and Eastern. Tac 3

12:53pm - MEDICAL: Rescue 1 ALS 2 delta response. Elm St for chest pain. Hollis and Orange. Tac 3

1:02pm - MEDICAL: Rescue 1 ALS 6 bravo hot response. Franklin St for a fall. W Merrimack cross. Tac 3

1:16pm - ASSAULT: ALS 5 bravo cold response. Victory Park on Chestnut for an assault. Concord and Bishop Dennis Bradley Ln. Tac 2

1:26pm - MEDICAL: Truck 1 ALS 4 delta response. Amherst and Bethel for a man down. Tac 3

1:29pm - MEDICAL: Engine 2 ALS 6 delta response. Dyson St for difficulty breathing. Granite and Douglas. Tac 3

1:41pm - ALARM: Engine 11 & 7 Truck 7 Rescue 1 Car 2 charlie response. Beech St School for a straight box alarm. Summer and Auburn. Tac 5

2:12pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 8 ALS 1 bravo hot response. Corning Rd by Bryant. Tac 3

2:14pm - FIRE: Engine 7 11 3 9 RIC Truck 7 & 3 Rescue 1 Car 2 delta response. Somerville St for a possible building fire. Belmont and Taylor. Tac 5

2:18pm - INTOXICATION: Engine 5 delta response. Pine and Amherst for an unconscious person due to alcohol. Tac 3

2:21pm - MEDICAL: Engine 2 delta response. Murphy St for abdominal pain. Kenberma cross. Tac 3

4:34pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 3 ALS 4 bravo hot response. John E Devine and S Willow. Tac 3

4:34pm - MEDICAL: Engine 5 ALS 2 delta response. N Gate Rd for a sick person. Radcliffe and Wellesley. Tac 3


7:50am - ACCIDENT: Goffstown Rd and Montgomery. Minor accident.

8:07am - MEDICAL: Engine 2 ALS 4 echo response. S Main St for difficulty breathing. Main and Clinton. Tac 3

8:33am - MEDICAL: Engine 4 ALS 2 charlie response. Alliance Way for difficulty breathing. Roundabout and Countryside. Tac 3

9:15am - MEDICAL: ALS 1 alpha response. Concord St for a back injury. Haines and Dutton. Tac 2

9:41am - MEDICAL: Engine 8 ALS 3 delta response. Hanover St for a fainting. Broadway and Hobart. Tac 3

9:57am - MEDICAL: ALS 1 bravo cold response. Cilley Rd for an injury. Leon and S Maple. Tac 2

10:00am - MEDICAL: ALS 4 alpha response. Conant St for a sick person. Hevey and Rimmon. Tac 2

10:31am - ASSAULT: ALS 6 bravo cold response. Brown Ave for an assault. Connecting and Winston. Stage and wait for PD. Tac 2

10:41am - MEDICAL: ALS 5 alpha response. Central High for abdominal pain. Ash and Concord. Tac 2

10:43am - MEDICAL: ALS 1 bravo cold response. Concord and Ash, meet the PD for an unknown medical. Tac 2

10:44am - MEDICAL: Engine 6 ALS 4 delta response. S Main St for difficulty breathing. Granite and Clinton. Tac 3

11:27am - MEDICAL: Engine 5 ALS 4 charlie response. West Haven Rd for a reported stroke. Robin Hill and Patricia. Tac 3

12:47pm - MEDICAL: Engine 9 ALS 1 delta response. Riverdale and W Mitchell for cardiac arrest. PD en route. Tac 3

1:09pm - MEDICAL: ALS 4 alpha response. Alliance Way for a fainting. Roundabout and Countryside. Tac 2

1:18pm - MEDICAL: Engine 3 ALS 1 delta response. Townhouse Rd for a fall. Kenberma and Connecting. Tac 3

1:24pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 2 & 8 ALS 2 bravo hot response. 93 Southbound between Candia Rd and the turnaround. Tac 3

1:45pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 7 ALS 3 delta response. Hallsville St by Ainsworth. Car vs pedestrian. Tac 3

1:57pm - MEDICAL: Engine 7 ALS 5 charlie response. Memorial High for a fainting. Tac 3

2:19pm - ALARM: Engine 8 Truck 7 Car 1 charlie response. Dunkins on Candia for a central station alarm. Elgin and E Industrial. Tac 4

2:27pm - MEDICAL: Engine 7 ALS 2 delta response. Wilson St for chest pain. Harvard and Prescott. Tac 3

4:58pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 8 ALS 3 bravo hot response. Candia Rd in front of Wendy's. Second accident at this spot within a few minutes. Tac 3

5:10pm - OVERDOSE: Engine 11 ALS 2 delta response. Union and Manchester for an overdose. Tac 3

5:48pm - ACCIDENT: ALS 3 mutual aid to Hooksett. Mammoth and Zapora. Tac 2

5:50pm - MEDICAL: ALS 4 alpha response. Randall St for a fall. Waterman to a dead end. Tac 2

5:53pm - ALARM: Engine 4 & 6 Truck 5 Rescue 1 Car 1 charlie response. Alliance Way for a radio box alarm. Roundabout and Countryside. Tac 5

6:20pm - MEDICAL: Rescue 1 ALS 2 delta response. Pine St for a fainting. High and Lowell. Tac 3

6:20pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 5 ALS 4 bravo hot response. Hooksett Rd in front of the Backroom. Tac 3

6:49pm - FIRE: Engine 9 & 3 bravo cold response. 293 North off ramp to Second Street, illegal burn along the river. Tac 4

6:57pm - MEDICAL: ALS 2 alpha response. Mooresville Rd for a fall. Martel cross. Tac 2

7:39pm - MEDICAL: Engine 7 ALS 1 delta response. Silver St for chest pain. Lincoln and Wilson. Tac 3

7:43pm - PSYCH: ALS 3 alpha response. Rimmon St for a psych issue, PD on scene. Putnam and Wayne. Tac 2

7:44pm - ALARM: Engine 2 Truck 6 Car 1 charlie response. Second St for a straight box alarm. Cleveland and W Hancock. Tac 4

7:59pm - OVERDOSE: ALS 2 bravo cold response. Manchester and Union for an overdose. Tac 2. Again??

8:11pm - MEDICAL: ALS 3 bravo hot response. Brock St for a fall. Milford and Charleston. Tac 2

8:12pm - MEDICAL: ALS 4 bravo hot response. Douglas St for a fall. Second and Main. Tac 2

8:13pm - MEDICAL: Engine 10 charlie response. Bridge St for difficulty breathing. Circular and Mammoth. Tac 3

9:03pm - MEDICAL: Engine 10 ALS 4 delta response. Watt St for difficulty breathing. Bridge and Bristol. Tac 3

9:06pm - MEDICAL: Engine 4 ALS 3 delta response. Golfview Dr for chest pain. Front St cross. Tac 3

9:33pm - MEDICAL: Engine 7 ALS 1 charlie response. Claremont Ave for difficulty breathing. Martin and S Beech. Tac 3

9:36pm - MEDICAL: Engine 10 ALS 2 delta response. Hilton St for hemorrhaging. Amherst cross. Tac 3


6:15am - MEDICAL: Engine 3 ALS 3 delta response. Burger King on S Willow for chest pain. Tac 3

6:49am - MEDICAL: ALS 1 omega response. Henriette St for a sick person. Mast and Edmond. Tac 2

6:56am - MEDICAL: Engine 11 ALS 2 delta response. Maple St for difficulty breathing. Concord and Lowell. Tac 3

7:09am - MEDICAL: Engine 4 ALS 4 alpha response. Alliance Way for a lift assist. Roundabout and Countryside. Tac 3

9:01am - MEDICAL: ALS 3 alpha response. Beech Hill Dr for a lift assist. Beech Hill Ave and Bradley. Tac 2

9:10am - MEDICAL: Engine 3 ALS 1 delta response. John E Devine Dr for back pain. March Ave cross. Tac 3

9:10am - ALARM: Engine 6 Truck 1 Car 2 charlie response. Barr St for a central station alarm. Granite and Douglas. Tac 4

9:19am - MEDICAL: ALS 3 alpha response. Beech Hill Dr for a sick person. Beech Hill Ave and Bradley. Tac 2

9:37am - MEDICAL: Engine 6 ALS 4 delta response. Layte St for a sick person. Fieldcrest cross. Tac 3

9:46am - MEDICAL: ALS 1 alpha response. Prospect St for knee pain. Chestnut and Pine. Tac 2

11:21am - MEDICAL: Engine 8 ALS 4 delta response. Candia Rd for chest pain. Proctor cross. Tac 3

11:32am - MEDICAL: Rescue 1 ALS 2 delta response. Granite St bridge for difficulty breathing. Tac 3

12:05pm - MEDICAL: ALS 1 bravo cold response. Line Dr at Fishercats Stadium for a head injury. Uh out for those foul balls! Tac 2

12:14pm - FIRE: Engine 10 bravo hot response. Mammoth Rd for a brush/grass fire. Stockholm cross. Tac 4

12:30pm - ASSAULT: ALS 3 bravo cold response. Kelley St for an assault, stage and wait for PD. Boutwell cross. Tac 2

1:36pm - MEDICAL: Engine 10 ALS 1 echo response. Cedar Hill Dr for difficulty breathing. Island Pond Rd cross. Tac 3

1:49pm - FIRE: Engine 11 bravo cold response. Lowell St to check for a bark mulch fire. Walnut cross. Tac 4

3:29pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 5 ALS 2 delta response. Campbell St for an accident by Juniper. Tac 3

4:08pm - FIRE: Engine 5 11 6 4 RIC Truck 3 & 1 Rescue 1 Car 2 ALS 3 delta response. Day St for an outside fire with exposure. Barrett and Blevins. Tac 5


6:46am - MEDICAL: Engine 5 ALS 2 charlie response. W Clarke St for chest pain. River and W River Dr. Tac 3

6:52am - BABY!!: Engine 6 ALS 2 delta response. Dubuque St for a childbirth. Amory and Kelley. Tac 3. Congratulations!!! Hope you have a safe delivery :)

6:55am - GUNSHOT: Rescue 1 ALS 1 bravo hot response. Hanover and Maple for a shooting. Gunshot wound to the abdomen, one in custody. Tac3

7:52am - ALARM: Engine 5 Truck 1 Car 1 charlie response. N Russell St for  a central station alarm. Walnut Hill cross. Tac 4

8:59am - SMOKE: Engine 11 7 6 2 RIC Truck 1 & 7 Rescue 1 Car 1 ALS 1 delta response. Beech St for smoke coming from the building. Summer and Auburn. Tac 5

9:29am - MEDICAL: Engine 7 ALS 2 delta response. Beaver St for a fall.  Olive and Rockville. Tac 3

9:36am - MEDICAL: ALS 4 bravo hot response. Bridge St for a fall. Circular and Mammoth. Tac 2

10:00am - ALARM: Engine 11 & 6 Truck 1 Rescue 1 Car 1 charlie response. Elm St for a straight box alarm. Bridge and Kidder. Tac 4

10:32am - MEDICAL: ALS 3 alpha response. Agnes St for a diabetic problem. Pinard cross. Tac 2

10:36am - PSYCH: ALS 1 alpha response. Cedar St for a psych problem. Barry and Union. Tac 2

10:40am - ASSIST: Engine 11 alpha response. Hanover St to assist PD with a washdown. Tac 4

11:38am - OVERDOSE: Engine 5 ALS 3 echo response. Pappy's on Elm for cardiac arrest. Langdon and Brook. Tac 3

3:00pm - MEDICAL: ALS 4 alpha response. Elm St for a sick person. Thayer and Carpenter. Tac 2

3:02pm - MEDICAL: Engine 10 ALS 1 echo response. Tiffany Ln for difficulty breathing. Wellington and Aladdin. Tac 3

3:37pm - OVERDOSE: Engine 11 ALS 3 echo response. Portland Pie on Elm for an overdose, cardiac arrest. Needle in her arm. Tac 3.

3:49pm - MEDICAL: Engine 5 ALS 2 delta response. Canal St under the Amoskeag overpass for an unconscious person. Tac 3

3:56pm - MEDICAL: Engine 5 ALS 2 delta response. Meetinghouse at Riverfront for chest pain. Amoskeag St cross. Tac 3

3:56pm - MEDICAL: Engine 2 ALS 1 charlie response. River's Edge for chest pain. Tac 3

4:06pm - MEDICAL: Engine 7 ALS 3 delta response. Doris St for difficulty breathing. S Willow and S Hall. Tac 3

4:19pm - FIRE: Engine 9 bravo cold response. Shaw's Plaza on S Willow to check for a bark mulch fire. Tac 4

4:38pm - ASSAULT: ALS 2 alpha response. Lowell St for an assault. Haines and Jane. Tac 2

4:40pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 6 bravo hot response. Cartier and Kelley. Tac 3

5:24pm - PSYCH: ALS 3 alpha response. Manchester St for a psych problem. Pine and Union. Tac 2

5:25pm - Truck 1 ALS 1 delta response. Mulsey St for an unconscious person. State and Bedford. Tac 3

5:33pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 8 ALS 2 delta response. Sibley Terrace for a car vs pedestrian. Island Pond and Cedar Hill. Tac 3

5:35pm - ASSAULT: Rescue 1 alpha response. District Court on Amherst for an assault. Tac 3

5:35pm - MEDICAL: Engine 9 alpha response. Westland Ave for abdominal pain. Billings cross. Tac 3

5:43pm - MEDICAL: Engine 3 echo response. Sentinel Ct for a cardiac arrest. Bradley St cross. Tac 3

5:56pm - FIRE; Engine 11 bravo cold response. Granite and Commercial for a possible grass fire. Tac 4

6:40pm - MEDICAL: ALS 2 bravo hot response. Longhorn on S Willow for a fall with a nose injury. Tac 2

6:43pm - MEDICAL: ALS 5 charlie response. Lowell St for a sick person. Kosciuszko and Chestnut. Tac 2

7:00pm - CHECK: Three juveniles walking down South Willow carrying rifles, unsure if they are real or BB guns, heading towards Queen City Ave from McDonalds.

7:03pm - MEDICAL: Engine 11 alpha response. Hanover St for a sick person. Pine and Union. Tac 2

7:16pm - MEDICAL: Engine 2 ALS 3 charlie response. Wheelock St for a fainting. W Hancock and Goffe. Tac 3

8:20pm - MEDICAL: ALS 4 charlie response. Holly Ave for a sick person. S Cypress and S Jewett. Tac 2

8:57pm - MEDICAL: Engine 2 ALS 1 delta response. Clinton St for difficulty breathing. S Main cross. Tac 3

8:59pm - ASSAULT: ALS 3 bravo cold response. Bartlett St for an assault. Stage and wait for PD. Janelle cross. Tac 2


7:44am - PSYCH: ALS 2 bravo cold response. City Hall Plaza for a psych issue. Tac 2

8:39am - MEDICAL: Rescue 1 ALS 3 alpha response. Chestnut St for a sick person. Cedar and Spruce. Tac 3

8:47am - MEDICAL: Engine 8 ALS 4 delta response. Cedar Hill Dr for a fall. Island Pond and Sibley. Tac 3

9:11am - MEDICAL: Engine 11 ALS 1 delta response. Bell St for a fall. Union and Beech. Tac 3

9:24am - CHECK: Middle school-aged kids breaking into people's sheds, looking into windows and on porches in the area of Notre Dame and Schuyler. Caller told them to stop stealing and they started swearing at her.

9:30am - MEDICAL: Engine 5 ALS 2 delta response. Alliance Way for a fall. Roundabout and Countryside. Tac 3

9:33am - MEDICAL: ALS 3 alpha response. S Willow St for a fainting. Abby and Rockingham. Tac 2

9:37am - ALARM: Engine 10 Truck 1 Car 1 charlie response. Edward J Roy Dr for a radio box alarm. Hitchcock and Wellington Hill. Tac 4

9:41am - ACCIDENT: Engine 11 ALS 7 bravo hot response. Lowell and Pine. Tac 3

12:28pm - MEDICAL: ALS 7 alpha response. Lake Ave for a broken foot. Belmont and Hall. Tac 2

12:45pm - MEDICAL: Engine 10 ALS 1 echo response. Hanover St for ineffective breathing. Delaware and Page. Tac 3

1:08pm - SPILL: Engine 6 omega response. Douglas St for a minor gas spill. Second and Main. Tac 4

1:11pm - MEDICAL: Rescue 1 ALS 4 charlie response. Lowell St for chest pain. Jane and Malvern. Tac 3

1:29pm - PSYCH: ALS 3 bravo cold response. Jewett St for a psych issue. Hayward and Merrill. Tac 2

2:20pm - FIRE: Engine 6 bravo cold response. Top of Rock Rimmon for a brush fire. Tac 4

2:26pm - CHECK: Lowell and South, report of a large group fighting, possibly gang related. One person pulled out a pocket knife.

2:28pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 3 ALS 2 bravo hot response. Huse Rd in front of Parkview Hills. Tac 3

3:51pm - SMOKE: Engine 10 11 7 3 RIC Truck 7 & 1 Rescue 1 Car 1 ALS 2 delta response. Hanover St for smoke in the building. Page cross. Tac 5

10:58pm - MEDICAL: Engine 7 ALS 3 charlie response. S Beech St for chest pain. S Willow and Alpheus. Tac 3

11:02pm - MEDICAL: ALS 4 alpha response. Elm St for a fainting. Manchester and Hanover. Tac 2


9:23am - ALARM: Engine 9 Truck 7 Car 1 charlie response. Beech Hill Dr for a fire alarm activation. Beech Hill Ave and Bradley. Tac 4

9:40am - MEDICAL: ALS 4 delta response. Bremer and Lafayette for a fainting. Tac 2

9:45am - ALARM: Engine 5 Truck 1 Car 1 charlie response. Liberty St for a central station alarm. Salmon cross. Tac 4

10:08am - FIRE: Engine 5 checking a brush fire at Union and Campbell. Tac 5

10:10am - FIRE: Engine 9 7 3 11 RIC Truck 7 & 1 Rescue 1 Car 1 ALS 1 delta response. Mitchell St for a reported fire in the basement. Calef and S Beech. Tac 5

10:43am - OVERDOSE: Engine 11 ALS 1 echo response. Market St for cardiac arrest. Franklin and Canal. Tac 3

10:48am - PSYCH: ALS 3 alpha response. Cedar St for a psych issue. Barry and Union. Tac 2

10:50am - MEDICAL: ALS 4 alpha response. Beaver St for a near fainting. Olive and Rockville. Tac 2

4:01pm - MEDICAL: Rescue 1 ALS 3 delta response. Ashland St for difficulty breathing. Concord and Lowell. Tac 3

4:06pm - MEDICAL: ALS 1 alpha response. Varney St for a sick person. S Main and Bowman. Tac 2

10:24pm - HIT AND RUN: Beech and Valley, car vs K9. No description given on the car. Dog appears to be in no great distress per FD.

10:25pm - ASSAULT: ALS 2 bravo cold response. Pine St for an assault, stage for PD. High and Lowell. Tac 2

10:27pm - MEDICAL: Engine 10 ALS 4 delta response. Mammoth Rd for difficulty breathing. Tarrytown cross. Tac 3

10:56pm - FIRE: Engine 6 bravo cold response. Moore and Mason in Rock Rimmon Park for a fire. Tac 4

11:02pm - FIRE: Engine 2 Forrestry 1 with E6 bravo cold response. Moore and Mason for a brush fire. Tac 4

11:48pm - FIRE: Engine 6 bravo cold response. Back to Rock Rimmon for another brush fire. Tac 4

11:54pm - HIT AND RUN: Wilson and Lake, unknown if there are injuries at this time.


12:21am - HIT AND RUN: Granite by Dunkins, 613609 red BMW, no lights on, operator seemed impaired, headed West on Granite. Hit someone and took off. Same BMW as the hit and run earlier?

12:31am - HIT AND RUN: Manchester and Elm, Ford F150 hit a parked car and took off.

4:17pm - MEDICAL: ALS 3 charlie response. Hayward St for a sick person. Taylor and Ainsworth. Tac 2

4:51pm - MEDICAL: Rescue 1 ALS 4 delta response. Chestnut and Bridge for an unconscious person. Tac 3

4:53pm - MEDICAL: Engine 8 ALS 1 delta response. Island Pond Rd for a fall. Green Acres and Linwood. Tac 3

5:09pm - OVERDOSE: Engine 6 ALS 2 charlie response. Amory St for an overdose. McGregor and Coolidge. Tac 3

5:32pm - ACCIDENT: Engine 11 & 2 ALS 3 delta response. 293 North between Exit 5 & 6 for a motorcycle accident. Tac 3

5:43pm - OVERDOSE: Truck 1 ALS 4 echo response. Cedar St for cardiac arrest. Beech and Maple. Tac 3

6:42pm - MEDICAL: Rescue 1 ALS 2 delta response. Hanover St for a hemorrhage. Pine and Union. Tac 3

8:03pm - BURGLARY: Lake Ave, lots of screaming, caller said someone broke in, punched them in the face. Lincoln to Wilson.

8:42pm - MEDICAL: ALS 1 alpha response. PD HQ in booking for a facial laceration. Tac 2

8:44pm - MEDICAL: Engine 5 ALS 4 charlie response. Coral Ave for a sick person. Arthur and Lancelot. Tac 3

9:03pm - FIGHT: Embassy Laundromat on Union, males and females arguing and throwing baskets at each other. #LaundryNight #ThatsMyWasher

9:27pm - MEDICAL: ALS 3 alpha response. Canal St for a fainting. S Bedford cross. Tac 2

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